Glass Work
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Artwork... or not.

Glass & mirror sign that I made for a company, Colorcraft litho Inc.

Colorcraft Litho. 1401 Brummel, Elk Grove, IL

Colorcraft Litho.
1401 Brummel,
Elk Grove, IL


Sherry posing with Colorcraft sign as it looks on 9/9/2001

Custom made stained glass piece for kitchen cabinet.

Here the actual work is in progress
for a kitchen cabinet door. The finished
stained glass window can be seen to
the right. The window/door will then
be installed in a custom made kitchen.

Cabinet window installed in the kitchen

Installed kitchen cabinet window. Needless to say, the client, who is also a friend, was very pleased.

Black Cat

Custom made sign for a "Black Cat" fireworks distibutor. The sign is approximately 30"x30" and incorporates stained glass and mirror.

Custom made glass box using bevels

Custom made jewelry box made of mirror.






Deanna posing with window of sailboat.

Custom made stained glass

Custom made stained glass
for cabinet door in kitchen.

Installed cabinet window w/ the artist

Installed kitchen cabinet window with the artist, designer,and glass master.


Deanna posing with stained glasss window of eagle.

"Beveled Box"

Custom made glass box using bevels






Deanna posing with window of sailboat