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Will the fun ever cease?

The following are photos taken
at the CHAPCO CARTON Christmas
party/parties taken in 2000, 2001,
and 2003. A fun time was had by all.
In 2003  the late Annie(R.I.P)
accompanied me.

Artwork... or not.

Chapco 2000

Jacqeline, Tony, and Elvin tearing it
up on the dance floor. Christmas party 2000

Chapco 2000

Elvin dancing with my date, and
girlfriend at the time,  Stephanie.
Chapco Christmas Party 2000!!


My date and girlfriend, Stephanie.  I was caught in the middle of trying to throw my voice...can U tell?




Chapco 2000

Stephanie having a good 'ole time
on the dance floor with Tony.
Was this a wild night or what!?!?

Chapco 2001

2001 and here is Elvin dancing with my date, AGAIN.
How is it that you always get a dance with my date Elvin?
Hey, it's all in fun and we had that for sure.
I'm always too busy taking photos to get in them
sometimes but not next year. Ha!/Ha! Sherry,
you look GORGEOUS !!! Where'd ya' get the dress?
Do I know how to pick them or what?

For the rest of 2001 keep scrolling down.

Christmas Party

Chapco 2001

My boss, Rick Regina, and his wife.

Chapco 2001

Bernie & his wife enjoying the party.

Chapco 2001

Rick Regina II and his fiance.

Chapco 2001

Gloria & Sherry on the
dance floor.

Christmas BASH!!!
(Photos are below)

Chapco 2002

Chapco Gang

The boys from Chapco having
a good time at "Tail Gaters"
in Bolingbrook

Chapco 2001

Sherry and I posing for a
quick flick at the CHAPCO 2001
Christmas Party.
(Kinda' looks like she
was holding me up here. Ha!/Ha!)

Chapco 2001

Marvin and his wife, Karina, leading
a "Chain/Train Dance" on the
dance floor.

Chapco 2001

Chapco 2001

One final photo for the night.
Sherry and I had a wonderful time.


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