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This page I dedicate to Aila:   My Phillipine Princess


Aila is from the Phillipines but I got to know her for the first time while she was in Germany.    When I found out she was visiting Buffalo, New York, I had to invite her to Chicago.    She had never been to Chicago so I knew that there were many things for us to experience when she arrived. We experienced everything!!!!

The following photos are from our nights out while Aila was in town. (Aila loved it here so much, she now lives here)


Artwork... or not.

"96th Floor"
Aila & Yago

6/3/2002  When Aila arrived in Chicago. This was our first photo and the first place I had to take Aila.  Here we are at the, 96th floor of the John Hancock Center known as the, "Signature Lounge".  (The restaurant, known as the "Signature Room", sits at the 95th floor.)  Afterwards we went to  "Hala Kahiki" but no photo was taken.

Aila at "Rain Forest Cafe"

Aila posing with one hungry crocodile at the " Rain Forest Cafe" inside Woodfield Mall in Schaumburg, Illinois.   Aila was hungrier than that Croc so we were both OKAY!!   To learn more about the "Rain Forest Cafe" you can go to their website or click on this link...  



Hangin' at "HOOTERS"

Freak, Ciara, Aila, Sherry, Yago,
Here we are hangin' out at "HOOTERS"
in Schaumburg with Freak from Q101
radio station and our "HOOTERS" girl. 
To learn more about "Hooters" go to
their website or click on this link...

Where's Aila
Where's Aila

Valerie lookin for...Aila

D.J. "Mad Boy" Milton
Madboy looking for Aila

D.J. "Mad Boy" Milton and I in the booth.
"Mad Boy" is a bad man when it comes to spinning.
His compact disc can be seen on the right.
Part 2 of this C.D. saga coming soon

Asia and AIla at "SHABOOM"
Asia & Aila

Asia and Aila, at "SHABOOM"
in Stone Park, IL, doing the "Casper Slide"
which now has become a favorite of Aila.


Aila showing off some leg and posing
for a possible future portrait.
(I love her in a mini-skirt)


My Princess and I arriving at
the Hagg Press Company party.

Dave & Buster's
Aila & Yago

6/4/2002 and Aila was in the mood to shoot some pool so I took her to "Dave & Buster's" in Addison.  She is a very good player and we tied but we also had fun with all the video, and virtual games.  Afterwards we went to "VooDoo Night Club" in Schuamburg and partied with the "Julian Jumpin' Perez" and B96 Radio.     To learn more about "Dave & Buster's" you can go the their website or just click on the link...

Aila & the Gang at "ROG'S"
Aila at "ROG'S"

Yago, Aila, Andrea, Jose, & Adam on 6/6/2002.  Aila was dying to dance so being that it was a Thursday night and we wanted to stay local we went to "ROG'S" in Schiller Park.  There we met up with some friends and met many others.  And, let me tell you, Aila can dance.     

Yago & Aila with BLUEMAN

One thing I've always wanted to do was to go see "The BLUE MAN GROUP" but I just never gave myself the opportunity. (Not until Aila came to town.)   I had to take her there and these 3 photos were taken while we were there at the Briar Street Theatre on 6/6/2002.    If you've never seen the show you should.  It's different!!!!    To learn more about the "Blue Man Group" you can go to their website or just click on this link...

Hangin' at HALA
Hala Kahiki

Michelle, Amber, Yago & Sherry
Hangin' at Hala Kahiki, a tropical
atmosphere, with tropical drinks
Michelle is a very special person in
my life and my favorite waitress.
(No Aila to be found on this day)


Sherry, Yago, Cindy, & Jason
Hangin' at "Sneakers" in Franklin  Park
(No Aila to be found on this day but that's because
she wasn't even in the U.S.A. yet) Hey, I had to put this
photo somewhere and Sherry and Aila have become friends...

Lookin' for Aila
Where's Aila

Anna and I, But, Where's Aila?
Anna and I go way back
Aila and I have become so close that when I go out
and she is not with me people ask... "Where is Aila?"
Well...This is the question that  people are asking...
"Aila, Where R U?"


D.J. "Mad Boy" can be reached through his
pager at  (630)256-0682 or e-mailed at...

Where's Aila
Where's Aila

Michelle & Yago
at Hala Hahiki
Aila, Where R U?


Aila, during the "Casper Slide"
at "SHABOOM", showing us
how she goes down low. 
How low can you go?

Yago& Aila

Aila and I at the HAGG PRESS
Comany Party in 2003

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