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Family photos

Artwork... or not.


My neice, Paige, the center of
attention at this Christmas 1999


My nephew, Jonathon, dancing up
a storm at my sister's wedding.
Ricky Martin... WATCH OUT!!!!!!

Paige and I

Paige pretending to nap with me at a family
get-together. I was napping.


My sister and my nieces and nephews,
"The Gang", at a family gathering.

Paige & Yago

My neice, Paige, and I
on Thanksgiving 2001

paige & Uncle Santa

My niece, Paige, and I on Christmas 2001
She was all the gift I needed and vise-versa


Paige with her favorite gift which
Stephanie and I gave to her. Way to
pick the gift Steph. Christmas 2000

Paige and I

Paige and I dancing at my
sister Minnie's wedding.

Rick & Paige

Rick with Paige at Minnie's wedding.

Rick and I

My brother, Rick, and I.

Julian & Joey

My nephews, Julian & Joey, playing
the bad boys. This photo was taken
years ago but it was so cute I had
to put it up here. (Julian seen below
in 2002)


My nephew, Julian the Stud, swimming
by my friend, Caryn's, house.

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